Over the years, our chapter has advocated for the protection of wild spaces in Alberta. Some of our proudest accomplishments include written publications, changes in policy, and the creation of protected areas. Read on for a brief timeline of CPAWS Northern Alberta’s accomplishments: from our most recent to those from our chapter’s inception.
A timeline of our chapter's successes
Released three volumes of Alberta’s Caribou: A Guide to Range Planning. The report is the first time in the province of Alberta that our boreal woodland caribou herd ranges are visually presented to the general public showing current industrial and wildfire.
Released our Conservation Blueprint of Northern Alberta, which scientifically identifies places of high value for conservation in the province! This work was instrumental in encouraging the Government of Alberta to commit to achieving 17% protection in Alberta by 2020.
Successfully campaigned against commercial development in the form of a high-end resort lodge at Maligne Lake in Jasper National Park. Unfortunately Parks Canada made the decision to allow high-end tent cabins to go forward.
Provided input into the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan (LARP), which, following an order in council, will establish new protected areas representing approximately 2.5% of the province.
Successfully lobbied against changes to the Alberta Parks Act by working in coalition with other concerned parties. The proposed changes would have set conservation back 40-years.
Contributed to CEMA’s Terrestrial Environmental Management Framework wherein industry, government, Indigenous groups and governments agreed to establish protected areas as part of forest management in northeast Alberta.
Published the State of Alberta’s parks and Protected Areas, a detailed analysis of challenges and opportunities to ensuring ecological integrity.
Played a prominent role in developing Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) forest certification standards for Canada’s boreal forest. Strong FSC standards contribute to our goals of additional protected areas and better forest management.
Published the Rocky Mt. Foothills booklet which described the remaining best places for protection in that region. Booklet supported efforts to create the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement (CBFA) in 2010.
Published the book Alternative Futures: Alberta’s Boreal Forest at the Crossroads by Rick Schneider which provided a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the management of Alberta’s boreal forest.
Published a booklet identifying the Chinchaga as an Endangered Forest and linking it to this international campaign. Within weeks the Province announced 3,500 KM2 in the heart of this region would remain permanently unallocated to forestry.
Played a critical role in the creation of a large protected area in the Caribou Mountains, adjacent to Wood Buffalo National Park. The largest park established in Alberta under Special Places 2000.
Helped develop the Alberta Forest Conservation Strategy which supported the establishment of protected areas as a key need for sustainable forest management.
Prevented logging in Wood Buffalo National Park.
Played a key role in defeating the “Prairie River Improvement Plan” which would have diverted water from northern Alberta watersheds to southern Alberta.

Take Action
Albertans for Coal Free Rockies
Write your letter TODAY to ensure that the Rocky Mountains see greater protections and policies keep the region safe from coal mining.
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