Now is Your Chance: Share Your Ideas for Alberta’s Parks and Public Lands

January 4, 2021
By: admin

Now is Your Chance: Share Your Ideas for Alberta's Parks and Public Lands

Under a new Crown Land Vision released in November, the Government of Alberta has promised to change protected areas legislation. If not done carefully, these changes could put Alberta’s parks at risk.

Now is the time to let the government know what you expect for your parks. Submit your ideas through the government’s public engagement page now! You can also create an account and vote for the ideas that match your vision for future recreation in the province.

Help us tell the Alberta government that parks are important – not only for recreation, but for the future of our province. By taking action and providing your feedback, you can help secure a future where our parks stay protected.

Check out some of our team’s ideas Adapt or use them for your own!


Parks and public lands are a public good, and as such should be publicly funded. Any revenue generated from user fees should be directed broadly to benefit conservation of our Crown lands and waters and the greatest number of users.


Protected areas legislation, such as the Provincial Parks Act, must remain in effect and be strengthened to comply with international standards.


Parks and protected areas should not lose protections under the new Crown Land Vision.


Albertans should not have to choose between high quality, safe recreation experiences and a healthy environment.


Any outdoor recreation planning should recognize there are limits to trail quantity and density to meet recreational and environmental objectives, that not all uses are appropriate in all areas, and that not all trail users are compatible on the same trail.


Conservation of nature and biodiversity should be prioritized first in the management of our parks and public lands.


Any new trail use and management system should respect the existing Land Use Framework, which provides long-term plans to manage Alberta’s land and natural resources.


High-impact recreational use should be concentrated in designated areas that have been shown to be less environmentally sensitive to minimize damage on the larger landscape.


Partnerships to manage sites should add value to a given area, and not solely function to offload government responsibilities and costs to partner organizations. All sites with partnerships should remain protected under parks legislation.


Recreation fees on Crown land should be set based on the environmental impact of the given activity. Low-impact users such as hikers should not require an additional fee to use these public spaces.


Fees for random camping should be sufficient to cover costs of this land use on the environment and other users, including enforcement, wildfire risk, human waste issues, and environmental damage.


Take Action

Share your support for National Urban Parks

Email your MLA to let them know you support National Urban Parks and would like to see Alberta be a part of a national network of urban parks.

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Protect the Wilderness

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