CPAWS Survey Guide to the Bistcho Lake and Cold Lake draft Sub-Regional Plans for CaribouCaribou have waited almost 10 years for recovery plans in Alberta: Have your say in their future! …
Jasper National Park takes steps toward caribou breeding program, but still needs to address existing backcountry access threatsJasper National Park has found strong scientific support for building a conservation breeding program to boost woodland caribou numbers inside…
Alberta unveils two new land use plans to achieve caribou recoveryThe Government of Alberta has released two draft plans for caribou recovery in the northeast and northwest of the province,…
Jasper National Park Caribou: Statement by Recreational Users and ConservationistsWe are very concerned that today, February 16, Parks Canada is lifting its winter-time backcountry access restrictions in Jasper National…
Park expansion in northeast Alberta protects critical habitat for woodland caribou and wood bisonEDMONTON, AB – A significant expansion to the Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland Park, first established in 2019, was announced by the…
Recreational Users and Conservationists Come Together to Protect Tonquin Caribou in Jasper National ParkEDMONTON, AB – Caribou in Jasper National Park are on the brink of extinction. Backcountry and conservation groups are calling…
Conservation Agreement signed between Alberta and Canada for declining woodland caribou across the provinceEDMONTON, AB – The federal and provincial governments signed a Conservation Agreement for the recovery of woodland caribou in Alberta…
Extirpation of caribou herd in Jasper should trigger urgent action for remaining herdsEDMONTON, AB – A mountain caribou is now considered extirpated in Jasper National Park. The loss should trigger urgent action…
Alberta’s habitat restoration projects a step in the right direction, but need to consider larger conservation goalsCPAWS Southern and Northern Alberta chapters are encouraged to see the government’s investment of $9.7-million in restoration projects to benefit…
Community-led caribou monitoring: taking the first steps in a unique northern studyRecently (but not too recently – this is pre-COVID!) members of our team at CPAWS Northern Alberta had the unique…