All-Season Resort Act Gives Unprecedented Power to the Ministry of Tourism and Sport, Threatens Alberta ParksCPAWS Northern and Southern Alberta have grave concerns regarding Bill 35 – the All-Season Resorts Act – which goes to…
2024 October NewsletterCPAWS Northern Alberta’s monthly newsletter, focusing on Alberta’s Nature Strategy and COP16.…
2024 September NewsletterCPAWS Northern Alberta’s monthly newsletter, focusing on the threat of Coalspur’s Vista mine on waters and wildlife.…
As the world gathers at COP 16, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society calls on all levels of government to commit to bold action to save nature As countries from around the world gather at COP16 Colombia inauguración | COP16 Colombia to discuss the implementation and financing of the…
CPAWS Northern Alberta is heading to COP16 – but why? As the world gears up for the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)…
Government of Alberta must commit to expanding parks, protecting wildlife and biodiversity, says coalition of conservation and environmental experts The Government of Alberta should expand provincial parks and implement recovery plans for endangered species as part of its “made-in-Alberta”…
Wildlife Keep Being Harmed from Tailings Ponds at the Hands of NegligenceCNRL knowingly let birds use islands that had formed within tailings ponds as a nesting site. Over 400 birds died.…
2024 August NewsletterCPAWS Northern Alberta’s monthly newsletter, focusing on Alberta’s forests and forestry practices within them.…
Wildfire Risk: Untangling what we can and cannot changeWildfires are a natural part of Alberta’s landscapes, but the risks faced by people, wildlife and ecosystems from bigger, more…
2024 July NewsletterCPAWS Northern Alberta’s monthly newsletter, putting parks at the local, provincial and national level front and centre.…
CPAWS Statement in Response to Auditor General’s audit of Alberta Environment and Protected areas Surface Water ManagementCPAWS Northern Alberta would like to see water conservation objectives and water management plans established for all water basins in…
Changes to Alberta’s Wildlife Act lack evidence of effectively reducing human-bear conflict CPAWS statement on Government of Alberta changes to the Wildlife Act to re-instate hunting as a management tool for ‘problem’…