Major Campaigns
What We Do
We focus on conservation issues in Alberta from the Red Deer area all the way to the Northwest Territories border but, we know that environmental and conservation issues know no borders. Which means we often engage in issues that are province-wide and some and cross provincial borders (like our headwaters in the Rocky Mountains and in northern Alberta.)
Conservation and environmentalism can have a wide reach. At the crux of our work is a focus on effective land-use planning, species at risk, nature-based climate solutions and supporting Indigenous-led conservation.
A Legacy of Impact
Our vision is to see an Alberta that embraces conservation and shows leadership in protecting and building a large network of parks and wilderness areas.
175 Parks Protected
We successfully halted the Optimizing Alberta Parks Plan which would have seen over 175 parks removed from the Alberta Parks system.Over 55 years of Conservation
The CPAWS Northern Alberta chapter was one of the first established regional chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) in 1968.15,000
and growing
Our wins are largely thanks to our tight-knit community of supporters and our growing membership across Alberta and beyond its borders. Thank you!30%
Canada has pledged to protect at least 30% of its lands and water by 2030 to meet international protection goals to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. Alberta has a long way to go with only 15.2% of public lands and waters protected.Updates
Latest News
Government of Alberta puts private corporate interest ahead of Alberta public on coal, makes changes to Coal Policy ahead of the holidays
All-Season Resort Act Gives Unprecedented Power to the Ministry of Tourism and Sport, Threatens Alberta Parks
As the world gathers at COP 16, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society calls on all levels of government to commit to bold action to save nature
Check Out The
2024 December Newsletter
The Twelve Days of Giving
2024 October Newsletter
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Caribou Conservation
Protect the Wilderness
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